Let it go 🇬🇧
It is a hard struggle between me and myself or more precisely, between the person I used to be and the one I become.
It is a hard struggle between me and myself or more precisely, between the person I used to be and the one I become.
Cohabiter avec ce Fils de Park’s c’est donc tendre vers son état originel, vers la souplesse du corps, la légèreté de l’être…
“An Artist is never ahead of his timebut most people are far behind theirs” Edgar Varèse
I am a bookbinder and I have a Parkinson’s disease. And you may say ‘So What?’
Je dois bien reconnaître qu’avec ce Fils de Park’s, je ne m’ennuie jamais ! Ce qui me tue ce n’est pas la maladie en elle-même, mais sa durée illimitée. Comme un chariot de montagne russe, dont on ne descendrait jamais…
My dear readers,
I strongly hope that Fils de Park’s could offer you
as much you offered
me during the last year!
L’urgence de vivre maintenant…
Un aller simple au centre de la complexité humaine, des ses paradoxes et de ces questionnements.
Finaly, living with this Fils de Park’s could be a way to come back to our roots, trying to obtain a relaxed body, lightness…
“An Artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs” Edgar Varèse