Four years ago,
The 10th of January,
You said, ‘I’ll go for it.’
Without doubting, nor hesitating.
Four years ago,
Parkinson was already there,
without being identified,
without being called.
As new as our love.
But you were here,
With such a beautiful smile,
Still optimistic,
With so much love.
One day RMI,
The day after at the City Hall,
But you didn’t bend
Truly happy.
Six months later,
Parkinson was detected,
we were already married
You’ve taken up the challenge.
In the middle of the storm,
Your love protects me against
emptiness and madness,
Such a warm feeling.
Love is so important,
I feel so lucky,
I feel so happy,
Thank you so much.
Parkinson is here,
But can’t take my heart,
which is beating for you,
my love forever.
Since the first day I saw you,
I have no doubt,
You are the one
I was waiting for.
Parkinson is nothing
Compared to our love
Parkinson is nothing
but has strengthened our love.
Lili Saint Laurent © 2013
14 janvier 2013 @ 8h14
Wonderful!! So true when we look at you guys!
4 avril 2018 @ 12h58
Wonderful Story Lili . Congratulation …. Superbe votre histoire a vous 2 Lili . Merci de l'avoir relatée de si belle manière . Kiss to you both … Paul
4 avril 2018 @ 14h38
Merci Paul ! L'amour est un beau cadeau de la vie ! J'en suis consciente et je mesure la chance que j'ai d'être si bien accompagnée dans cette épreuve ! Affectueuses pensées. Bises. Lili