Once upon a time, Parkinson, a barren land, what was believed to be filled with older people…
And for having seen my dearest grandfather, fighting with it, I really thought it was true. Until the day I was swept into the same spiral. I was 33 years old.
Honestly, who can believe today that also young people cope with Parkinson’s disease? Not so much because we are still little.
That’s why, I aged of 30 years in ten minutes when I learned about my illness. And for 4 years now, I still hear that I am too young for that, that it is unbelievable and so on.
So, if I trust them, I should feel old, diminished. Too proud to recognise it but it happens sometimes… But, most of the time, experiencing the Parkinson make me feel the opposite!
This is incredible but my dear brain mate reminds me of my childhood. Or more exactly of my kid’s condition, because now some of our needs are the same
- help in everyday life
- a shield against bad feelings and human madness, as long as it is possible
- healthy food
- a lot of sport
- a restful sleep
- a balance ‘routine’
Finally, living with this Fils de Park’s could be a way to come back to our roots, trying to obtain a relaxed body, lightness and well-being.
This could be effective for everyone (taking care of ourselves, coping with our own failures, and so on) sick or not but for us, the shadow fighters, it is essential!
That is why, as far I am concerned, Parkinson is not related to a particular age and I don’t feel older than before. Sometimes, there are hard times to live. But, at the same time, it also allowed me the opportunity to travel to the origins, closer than ever to my childhood.