Sometimes I stuck on a song without really paying attention to the message. And I really listen to it in loop, over and over again.
I have no idea about how it works
But only after a few days, words spread gently to my brain and I suddenly realize that they are totally matching with my current state of mind.
So look no further, it is just a good way for me to keep in touch with myself.
Whatever the way to do it, this is one of the most important thing I learnt over the past few years.
However long and hard the road may be
Don’t lose sight of what you desire
Listen to your heart
Take care of your body
Breathe deeply and slowly
This is not an empty talk. Just the best way for us to keep feeling so refreshed and lively! My dear readers,
I wish you the best for 2015!!!
Actually, I got stuck on The Killers‘ song ☛ ‘Human‘. I love it so much!
Have you got any idea about the meaning? Feel free to comment below. I would be pleased to hear from you!
I was brought, but I was kind.
The Killers – Day & Age – 2009