When I get up at 8:00 in the morning, I have to take immediately my first dose of treatment and also to be aware to keep time for waking up slowly.
If one of these basic rules is not followed, I can have a very hard time all day long while becoming Miss Almost, the queen of the Parkinson world!
- Breakfast as a trip to space: the jam jar is flying on the ground, the coffee could flow around my cup and not inside, exactly like the Saturn’s ring…
- Body as a shuttle starts to blink every second, ready to be launched at any time…
- Showers as a nightclub party: dancing soap, slippery floors and dyskinesia for Hip Hop…
- Corridor as the best place for testing the snail’s attitude, slowly but surely!
- Ready to do the best cocktails with my inimitable way of shaking…
- Capabilities to create some extraordinary athletic performances with my bike, the stairs or simply with my feet…
- And so on…
There are just some examples of my funny days. My Parkinson brain mate is so creative that this seems endless!
That’s why, the best way to have a nice and quiet day is not to forget two essential steps in the morning:
- Â To take my pills, at the right time,
- Â Not to schedule any challenge within the first hour.
If not, Miss Almost appears immediately for a new trip along the same circus ring!